Expert and trusted legal advice
At Nelsons, our specialist and highly regarded team of medical negligence solicitors can investigate and advise on bringing maternity injury claims against the Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust for mothers and babies injured during childbirth.
Our solicitors can advise on and pursue claims against all Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust maternity services, which include:
- Queen’s Medical Centre
- Nottingham City Hospital
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Maternity negligence claims against Nottingham Hospitals
Our experienced team, which is ranked in Tier One of the independently researched publication, The Legal 500, has successfully pursued a large number of maternity negligence claims against Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust.
Here are some of the devastating cases which our team has advised on concerning the maternity care provided at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust:
The team is led by highly regarded legal professionals who bring a wealth of experience to the table. This ensures that when you instruct us to pursue a maternity negligence claim, you are placing your trust in some of the legal profession’s most capable hands.
Our lawyers understand that it can be overwhelming thinking about bringing a maternity negligence claim. The expertise of our team ensures that we will give you the specialist advice and support you need through every step of your claim. We are widely recognised for our adept handling of complex cases.
Ockenden maternity review at Nottingham Hospitals
As widely reported by the media, a thorough review of the Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust’s maternity services is currently taking place. It is being led by senior midwife, Donna Ockenden.
It was established in May 2022 following significant concerns being raised regarding the quality and safety of maternity services at the Trust.
Donna Ockenden and her team of doctors and midwives are reviewing cases of serious and potentially serious concern in maternity services at the Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust. The review is looking at the cases of around 1,800 families. Her findings so far have even triggered Nottinghamshire Police to commence their own inquiry, which will run alongside the Ockenden review.
Read our various blogs concerning the Ockenden Maternity Review and the maternity services provided at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust:
- Donna Ockenden Provides Update On The Review Of Nottingham Maternity Services – 7th June 2024
- Nottingham Maternity Services Make Improvements But Families Say More Is Needed – 13th September 2023
- Police To Investigate Maternity Cases At Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust – 11th September 2023
- Nottingham Maternity Services Review – Review To Be The Largest Ever Carried Out In The UK – 10th July 2023
- Nottingham Maternity Services Review – Bereaved Mother Calls On Parents To Share Their Experiences – 1st February 2023
- NHS Trust Fined £800k Over Baby’s Death Due To Neglect – 27th January 2023
- Inquiry Into Maternity Services At Nottingham University Hospitals To Begin – 8th September 2022
- Nottingham Hospital Trust Facing Prosecution Over Death Of Baby – 29th July 2022
The official website for the Ockenden maternity review has further information and support.
Maternity negligence claims
Negligence during pregnancy, childbirth, or postnatal care that causes harm to the mother or child may lead to a potential claim. The different types of injuries that can be sustained include:
- Cerebral palsy
- Shoulder dystocia/Erbs’s palsy
- Stillbirth
- Neonatal injuries or death
- Organ damage
- Maternal death
- Damage to the mother’s pelvic area, bowel or bladder
- Third and fourth-degree perineal tears
These injuries or conditions could be as a result of:
- Failure to diagnose complications
- Errors and delays during delivery
- Inadequate care during pregnancy
- Inadequate neonatal care in hospital and the community
If you think you or a loved one has suffered an injury due to negligent maternity care and/or treatment, it is essential to obtain legal advice from specialist solicitors as soon as possible.
There is a requirement in clinical negligence claims that certain steps must be taken within three years of the date of the incident, or the date of your knowledge, if later. For claims relating to children, the three-year limitation period will begin from the child’s 18th birthday and expire on their 21st birthday. This rule does not apply if someone does not have the capacity, perhaps because of the injuries they have received.
Successful claims often result in compensation being awarded for medical expenses, ongoing care costs, loss of earnings, and other related damages. The compensation aims to help alleviate the enormous financial burden which can be caused by the injuries received.
Meet the team
Bruce Williams
Partner & Solicitor
Julie Hardy
Partner & Solicitor
Lucy Wilton
Partner & Solicitor
Emma Zukowska
Partner & Solicitor
Carolle White
Legal Director & Chartered Legal Executive
Our trusted service
In addition to our top-tier Legal 500 ranking, our medical negligence team is also recognised by:
- The Law Society
- Action against Medical Accidents (AvMA)
- Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL)
- Headway
- The Foundation for Infant Loss Training
- Chambers and Partners
We are one of a few specialist firms that are still able to offer Legal Aid in cases involving babies. Alternatively, we can act on a “no win no fee” basis. One way or the other, if we are able to take on your case, there will be no upfront cost to you.
We instruct the most experienced independent medical experts, who will review the medical records and comment on the standard of care that you and/or your baby received and whether this was negligent and led to injury. We use highly experienced barristers who we may instruct to work with us on your claim.
When it comes to valuing a claim, we often instruct several independent experts who will comment on the nature and extent of your or your baby’s injuries, their future prognosis, and their effects on short and long-term needs.
Often in these cases, the Court will order that the injured person should receive a lump sum payment of compensation plus an amount each year (periodical payments) for the rest of their life, to ensure that their ongoing needs are met.
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