Across the country, some local Councils are implementing, or looking to implement, selective licensing schemes for private landlords of residential accommodation.
The selective licensing schemes being introduced mean that landlords must meet a certain standard and quality of accommodation for their tenants. The aim of the schemes is to cut down on anti-social behaviour and crime in deprived areas and properties which have poor living conditions.
It is believed that most of the schemes being implemented will require landlords to pay several hundred pounds for a licence and that the properties they let out will have to meet safety and quality standards. The licence will last up to five years for each individual private rented property.
It is a criminal offence for a landlord not to have a licence and if found guilty of this offence, they could face a fine of up to £30,000.
Nottingham City Council’s Selective Licensing Scheme
Nottingham City Council introduced a selective licensing scheme on 1st August 2018, which applies to most areas of the city.
A licence will cost a non-accredited landlord £780 per property and £480 for accredited landlords, and the cost will be spread over the course of the five-year period of the licence. It does not have to be the landlord who applies for the licence, a manager can also apply if he/she receives the rent for the property.
The scheme has raised concerns amongst many landlords in the Nottingham City Council area, who feel that they are being victimised and that the scheme is being used as a money-making exercise for the council.
Landlords who fail to apply for a licence before 1 November 2018 could face enforcement action.
Additionally, since 1st October 2018, Gedling Borough Council has also introduced a selective licensing scheme for privately rented homes in the Netherfield area.
How Nelsons can help
Paula Haverkamp is a Paralegal in our Dispute Resolution team specialising in landlord and tenant issues and property disputes.
Our expert team of property litigation solicitors are able to assist landlords with their legal rights and obligations, providing advice to resolve any disputes with their tenants as quickly as possible.
If you would like any advice, please call 0800 024 1976 or contact us via our online form.
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