We have continued our annual tradition of selecting our nominated charities for the coming year and are delighted to announce that we will be supporting Lamp, a mental health charity in Leicester, Hayward House, a palliative care facility part of the Nottingham Hospitals Charity, and Nightingale Macmillan Unit in Derby, which supports end-of-life care.
Our Chief Executive, Stewart Vandermark, commented on the announcement:
“40 years ago this year, Nelsons had just been founded and was a small law firm that understood the importance of being active in the community and helping others. As we’ve grown, this has remained a central part of who we are, so the annual initiative is very important to all our staff.
“I am always proud of the support and enthusiasm from our staff, who actively get involved and think up new ideas to raise awareness and funds for such worthy causes. Last year, we managed to raise almost £8,000 across our three offices for our chosen charities, which we hope to surpass this year.”
Nelsons office charities
Founded in 1989, Lamp offers support to those suffering from mental health issues through independent assessments, challenging local mental health teams, researching their symptoms and conditions, and attending appointments with GPs and psychiatrists for support.
The Nightingale Macmillan Unit is a 20-bed specialist palliative care unit that provides care to patients with advanced progressive and life-limiting illnesses, including patients with cancer and non-malignant diseases such as motor neurone disease and end-stage organ failure.
Hayward House supports over 1,000 patients every single year who have advanced, progressive and terminal illnesses. Funds will help to improve access to the gardens, provide complementary therapists and bereavement counsellors, as well as support important research.

Our 2022/23 charity fundraising efforts
The combined efforts of our three offices over the last financial year raised almost £8,000 shared between brain injury support charity, Headway Leicestershire, Me and Dee – which assists families where a member suffers from life-limiting health conditions – and international children’s charity, the Rosie May Foundation, which supports children in crisis around the globe.